Snug as a Bug...

by Brenda Reid on September 13, 2013


Happy Friday everybody! It's a bit of a foggy morning here on the coast so I thought it would be appropriate to introduce you to something:
This is a Granny quilt. 
What's a Granny quilt you ask? Why, a quilt made by my Granny of course! (there's a small contingent of people out there who recognized it right away.You know who you are!). 
And if you are a member of my family you either have one of these, or a feather tick, or both! (And possibly a crocheted toque. Sorry; inside family joke.) 

I remember one time when I was about 4 or 5 I was staying at Granny's and I came down with the flu.
"You need to svet it out!" she said, and into bed I went with camphor on my neck, chest and feather ticks piled high with the crowing glory - you guessed it - a Granny quilt on top!** 

My Granny made everything to fit.... her. Granny blankets were notoriously, well, small - like she was! So how she came to make this rather large Granny quilt is a bit of a mystery. However, when I found it in my linen closet a few months ago I knew right away where it belongs. It fits perfectly over my 6' soap table and is now used to help keep my soap warm as it goes through the gel phase and saponification process. Not only that but I get to look at it every day and remember someone I loved very much!
Thank you Granny for keeping first me, and now my soap, snug as a bug!

(** I could not move. Seriously I could not. I did however, "svet it out" and too this day when I have a fever I pile the blankets high and "svet it out!")